Have a novel/novella to publish through Lee Books?
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Have a novel/novella to publish through Lee Books?
Have a story idea but don't want to self-publish?  Submit your story for possible publication through Lee Books.  Here's what you get:
Lee Books will edit your manuscript, design your cover and publish through Smashwords to be distributed to most of the online booksellers (including Apple (iTunes), Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd and a few others) as well as Amazon.  You won't need to pay anything up front for this but you will need to agree that the fee for doing this is 40% of your sales, leaving you with 60%.
Jude will advertise your book on her main site as well as here on the forum. You will be responsible for any other advertising if needed.
If interested, post your details in the Publishing subforum or send Jude a PM.  There is a special section in the downloads area for you to upload your book, which only admin can download (please contact Jude before uploading!)
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Lee Books

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