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Ever suffered from writer's block? - Printable Version

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Ever suffered from writer's block? - Judel - 04-24-2023

There have been a few times I have.  The best way I've discovered to get myself out of it are the following:
1. step away and work on something else.  Then go back in a few weeks/month and try again.  Looking at something with a fresh set of eyes can work wonders.
2. Just start typing.  Don't put any thought into it. Just type a sentence. Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not.  Type another sentence.  You will be surprised how this can open the floodgate.
3. Think of another way the story could go.  Don't necessarily delete what you've already done, but work on another part instead.  Sometimes I write the ending before I'm close to finishing.  I fill in areas that want to be written. You can always go back and work on the part where you are blocked.

What are your methods for getting through writer's block?